It is September 24, 2022. In the midst of a quadruple planetary retrograde period. Some of you reading this might not even know what a ‘planetary retrograde’ is but it is connected to Western Astrology. It is the notion of planets moving backwards in the sky but it is not moving physically backwards by any means. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun. I have been the perpetual student gaining some semblance of knowledge and astro-wisdom that interconnects to all things universal year after year since the late 90’s. I still often have to research and look up each aspect of each term that describes what the heck these Astrologers are saying, yet when I catch glimpses of how it aligns for me personally, a whole world of ‘aha’s’ open up for my person. I loosely use it as an energetic map of how it may affect the weather of the collective and personal movements in life and with this being said, retrogrades are a deep time of re-flection, re-doing, re-structuring. The energetics of where we may be examining or what is being shown to us for review is highlighted by the energies of each planet and their aspects in the sky. So you can imagine how much is going on when there are four planets retrograding. If you are sensitive and aware of energies within and all around you, you may be feeling all the feels as well.

I say Yes…. There is much up for review. And as I sit here on a Sunny newly Autumn day in California, I am reflecting on the opportunities I have in the recent past of sharing on several different platforms what kind of work I have been doing with sound. I am also reviewing deeply in how I communicate. It is deeply healing of the awareness of how much I judge myself of how I seem to appear or how I say things. Even starting this journal/blog is terrifying and exciting at the same time. It has taken me many years to find my voice and my true heart to integrate healthfully to have the confidence to communicate to the world. I have written for many years! But, only to myself. Grammar is not second nature to me and free flow writing is (which does not have spell check or structure). So here it is, reflections, musings, and a way to share what I am up to currently and bringing out archives to share. If you are curious and somewhat amused my personal confessions and reflections. I will do my best to keep it consistent and real. Perhaps what I write may feel supportive to your own life journey process. It can be very easy to feel alone, even if we are surrounded by others and especially when we are literally a-lone.

This entry is inspired by one of my favorite Cosmic Astrologer and multi-faceted practitioner Michele Meiche of ‘SoulPlayground’. I was interviewed on her podcast “Awakenings” sharing about my Sound Healing journey and perspectives on the effects and integration of the practice.

LISTEN HERE TO AWAKENINGS WITH MICHELE MEICHE : Self Healing & Self Mastery with Sound Healing Artist Grace Oh


morning sound meditation under a coral tree


be the vessel podcast