Made to nourish

I began a journey collaborating with creator of Made to Nourish Amanda Ramirez, back in 2015 as a result of needing grounding, sustainable support during a deeply transitionary and transformative time in my life. After a long stint of under nourishing customer service “jobs” in the service food industry, I found myself in between worlds, where freelancing “artist/photographer” was also scant at providing sustainable living. The alignment with a dear sister friend in need of assistance and my search for stability grew a touch and go experimental work exchange turned a blossoming avenue of sustainable work. I learned, tested, failed, and succeeded through the practice of creating and cooking nourishing special protocol supportive foods by working with the clients of the Made to Nourish collective. The support and guidance of Amanda and her background in her studies of Nutritional Therapy and her work developing menus and flavor profiles for those with sensitive and chronic systems, opened me up to a whole world outside of traditional methods and ingredients. Our love for what feels comforting when our mind, bodies, and souls are in recovery while staying within a specific food protocol has become our art and science to how we express and provide for our clientele. As well, as for our own systems that are ever changing and in extension our own families.

Over time, I learned and kept seeking out the freshest, organic, sustainable ingredients from pantry to produce. It certainly takes time to unlearn, relearn, and commit to making a different choice if are able to at every food shopping and cooking experience. It has been one of the most elevating, grounded, and integrative life practices that I am honored to be in. Presently, we have also collectively in the last 5-10 years have developed our respective energy practices and have incorporated breathwork, sound healing, and whole living foods in workshop and retreat format.

To learn more about what Made to Nourish and Amanda’s work you can stay connected here: Made to Nourish // instagram: @madetonourishyou


ziran : ’of its own; by itself’


visual meditation